Currently Reading: Red-Headed Stepchild by Jaye Wells
I've started this book on the 8th of July. Well I am not done with it yet because I was satisfying my TV Shows addiction *wink wink*. I was watching Castle season 3 most of the time on my computer :D, this show really makes me laugh where it became one of my favorite detective TV shows, other than Law & Order and Cold Case. Well, lets get back to the book, shall we. The main character, Sabina (which, by the way, I love her name) cracked me up here and there; I can assure you that when you read the book, you'll be able to stumble upon many funny scenes where you'll laugh your souls out (well I guess I easily laugh at things, so it might just be me :P). Of course I am not fully done with the book, so expect a full review in a couple of days. I'll try my best on providing a fairly good review, as I said, I am not a professional, so I just share what I think about the book. I am not like other book bloggers who like write amazing reviews, so I guess if you want something simple and straight to the point, you can follow me and read my reviews :P
For synopsis, click here. It is from
Xoxo Meera
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